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Lindsey Heights Neighborhood ECO Tour

Health, Wellness and Neighborhood Revitalization on Milwaukee’s North Side

In economically isolated communities like Lindsay Heights, the need for economic, physical and spiritual healing is critical to overall neighborhood revitalization. The ZIP codes of 53205 and 53206 have the highest emergency room visit rates for mental health in the city, coinciding with some of the highest rates of poverty and incarceration in the country. Walnut Way Conservation Corp., a neighborhood-based nonprofit known for its innovative work in economic and environmental health and wellness, leads the charge in redeveloping blighted homes and commercial properties, transforming vacant lots into gardens and orchards, growing successful social enterprises, and creating a hub for health and enterprise. Models for regenerative farming, community cultural development, and agricultural enterprises can be found nearby at Alice’s Garden and Fondy Market, the largest agricultural market in the city. The work is deeply rooted in civic engagement, environmental stewardship, and creating venues for prosperity. Lindsay Heights was recently designated as the city’s first “ECO Tour” neighborhood, and green infrastructure projects abound. Lindsay Heights is one of three neighborhoods in the Zilber Neighborhood Initiative (ZNI) funded by the Zilber Family Foundation. Data You Can Use is the lead researcher for ZNI.

Key Ideas:

  • Community health and wellness as the driver for neighborhood revitalization

  • Policies and practice that isolated the neighborhood from economic opportunity

  • Lindsay Heights as an area of focus for Data You Can Use via Zilber and Health Data Users Group

  • Neighborhood designated as the City’s first “Eco-Tour Neighborhood” due to the high concentration of projects and programs.

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