Lindsay Heights
Housing Repair Partners
2022 - Lindsay Heights City of Milwaukee - Housing Data Request
How many homes in Lindsay Heights have DNS (Dept of Neighborhood Services) code violations? 177 code violations have occurred on homes in Lindsay heights
How many homes in Lindsay heights are property tax delinquent? 658 occurrences of homes with tax delinquencies
The organizations listed below can help you get repairs to your home. If you prefer not to get a loan, they still have ways they can help. Call for a consultation to learn more about what home repair resources you have access too. If you're a senior living in Lindsay Heights scroll to the bottom and fill out the Block Build form.
Neighborhood Improvement Development Corporation
Expand Access to Secure Homeownership (Josey Heights)
Maria Prioletta mpriol@milwaukee.gov | 414-286-5610
Great Midwest Bank
At community banks like Great Midwest Bank, decisions are made based on the specific needs of you, our customer. Community banking means we’re not driven by fees and answering to stakeholders. At the end of the day, what’s in your best interest is most often what’s in ours. | Brenda Brown Brenda.Brown@greatmidwestbank.com | 414-352-8713
Brenda Brown Brenda.Brown@greatmidwestbank.com | 414-352-8713
Community Warehouse
521 S 9th St · (414) 383-7792 Expand Access to Homeownership & Improve Property Conditions
Nick Ringger nringger@thecommunitywarehouse.org
Habitat for Humanity
We build strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter.
At Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity, we believe everyone deserves a decent place to live. (414) 562-6100
Brian Sonderman bsonderman@milwaukeehabitat.org
ACTS Housing
We provide one-on-one and online, HUD-approved homebuyer and financial counseling for individuals and families to help them become ready to buy.
As a real estate brokerage, Acts represents families in the purchase of homes for owner occupancy, in Milwaukee and Beloit. | Michael Gosman mgosman@actshousing.org | (414) 933-2215
Michael Gosman mgosman@actshousing.org | (414) 933-2215
Social Development Commission
Empowering Milwaukee County residents with the resources to move beyond poverty.
Ella Dunbar edunbar@cr-sdc.org
(414) 906-2700